Showing posts with label GATHA AHUNAVAITI - YASNA 30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GATHA AHUNAVAITI - YASNA 30. Show all posts





With a firm resolve Zarathushtra set to work
To implement great Mazda's will
No sacrifice or labour would he shirk
His holy orders would he complete.
No opposition would his ardour kill
And so in public he began to teach
The matchless Word that triumphs still
Large audiences were drawn to hear him preach
All hailed with joy his soul inspiring speech.

All ye who desire gain of religious lore
Do listen well to what I truly say
My thoughts in simple words I convey
Reflect with care and good sense display.
Great Mazda's will I do reveal
And teach you how you ought to pray
With a truthful heart before him kneel
In singing this Manthra pleasure feel.

Pay heed to my advice and open your hearts
Full faith in Mazda in all respects place
Honestly toil to fulfill your part
And prepare to face your judgement day !
Your footsteps false you never can retrace...
Wisely now choose the right course
To win Mazda's grace... it is the only way
No wealth can help you.....gained by force or fraud...
Your store of virtue forms your best resource.

Two spirits are at work, the good and the bad
Between the two there is constant strife..
When guided by the good , you'll never be sad
And pass your days in pleasant comfort....
Prosper now and let your future be bright.
But, if guidance of the bad you choose,
For sure ....your future you will affect.
The counsel of the good always use
The prompting of the bad ....point blank refuse !

When first the good and evil spirits met
'Tis then that life and death their first appearance made....
From them began all pleasure and regret
Through them all things are born, thrive or fade.
By them each life is fostered or decayed
And this will continue till the end of time
Then those who followed them will be weighed
The good for Truth ..... will get their sublime worth
Suffering for the bad ... being steeped in crime !

The holy Spentamainyush holds his seat
In heaven above.... the blessed abode of Truth
But Anghremainyush gets his recompense
In hell..... for trampling on the moral code.
Of uncontrollable pains he bears a heavy load,
O men choose Spentamainyush as your guide
Don't follow this sinful spirit's guilty road
To follow Spentamainyush firmly decide 
And wiles of Anghremainyush never abide.

For those who follow Deeves don't understand 
The difference between the spirits two
The evil spirit leads them by the hand.....
He cares not for the spirit good and true
And so their bad choices they sadly rue
Although we've proved that they were in the wrong
And by following the Deeves no good can accrue
On their old habits they are still blindly strong
And to be on Anghremainyush's side they still long.

Strong Armaiti, the fountainhead of Truth
Inspirer of every pure and noble thought
Possessor of potent power but full of mercy
On good men showers her precious gifts unsought
Improving their lot by Manthra's holy might
Her best protection to them always granted
Who wicked Anghremainyush tries to influence
She implants love in every generous heart
Her choicest gifts.....each human wants.

When these mis-guided people receive their due
Of certain punishments which they deserve
Then repentance true they will surely learn
Their chastened hearts will then observe
That Thee alone, O Lord, all must serve
That Thou are all Supreme and have no peer
All things you alone do preserve
This rule laid down by Thee is plainly clear
That those who stick to TRUTH - need nothing fear.

Now all of us with sincere hearts pursue...
This path laid down for us in times of old
To Mazda's unchanging law let us be true
To tread this virtuous path - let us be bold
Truth is infinitely more precious.. than wealth untold
It is the straight and shortest road to bliss
Without doubt or fear to it unflinchingly hold
There is no other route to heaven.
Make sure to find this glorious way.

When good people to blissful heaven go
Where Hormuzd sits.... with truth and wisdom crowned
With joy their feelings overflow
For they've reached harbour - safe and sound
Where wicked Deeves have no standing ground..
Destructive Drooges do not find their way 
To that abode.....they wail in sorrow and are drowned
- they get a deathly blow - they lose all sway
- no more nerve or courage to betray.

Oh men, remember well this golden rule
Happiness or pain - it all depends on you
To suffer long in hell .... if you sin
Be honest and true and every joy will come to you.
Your noble actions you will never rue
As Truth and purity are your birthright too.
From then no harm can come to you
They'll alwaysa be a source of delight
and open out for you a future bright.