Humata (Good Thoughts)
Hukhta (Good Words)
Havareshta (Good Deeds)
Spenta Mainyu (Progressive Mentality),
Asha (Precision, Righteousness),
Vohu Manah (Good Mind),
Vohu Khshathra Vairya (Good Chosen Dominion, Democracy),
Aramaiti (Progressive Serenity, Tranquility),
Varana (Freedom of Choice),
Feresho-kereti (renovation/freshening, up-to-dating),
Maga (World fellowship)
Verezena (Community)
Ushta (Radiant Happiness through enlightenment)
Haurvatat (Wholeness, entirety, perfection)
Ameretat (Immortality)
Sraosha (Listening to the Divine Voice)
Zarathushtra presented the treatises on Good and Evil, social justice, radiating happiness, peace and prosperity, promotion of the living world, and many more points. They are such that hardly anything new has been added to what Zarathushtra realized, practiced, taught and propagated 3700+ years ago.
Zarathushtra is a Breakthrough in what is possible for humanity, that is why his message is referred to as "Manthras"(Thought provokers). Zoroastrianism is the means of gaining insight into fundamental premises that shape and govern our lives, the very structures that determine our Thoughts, our Words and our Deeds.