Showing posts with label GATHA SPENTAMAINYUSH - YASNA 49. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GATHA SPENTAMAINYUSH - YASNA 49. Show all posts



The wicked I shall endeavour to reform
And guide them back to honest virtuous ways
In spite of winds and storms I struggle on
But none hampers me or my work delays,
None raise any feuds and frays,
And with Thy help, O Lord, I shall meet
This powerful task who skill in delay displays.....
Subvert its plan ... his tricks overcome
For in my task I have Thy help.

All detest any deceivers vile,
The famous tyrants and hardened cheats
The false liar who wears a cynical smile
Will be inflicted, O Lord, with a clear defeat....
So that his acts he may not repeat.
And Thy teaching he may spread with pride,
He'll blindly follow your judgement sweet,
To turn all to faith - he'll vainly try
To stop all vice and to Thy Godship return.

In Truth is found Mazda's holy creed,
For your benefit I teach that creed, 
In my attempt I shall always succeed
Against all odds for I preach 
With Thy support ... and Thee I beseech
To eliminate all falsehood and destructive vice
And to bring peace in nations let us teach.
I'll fight for Truth ..... there is no sacrifice
In strictly following Thy supreme advice.

All those whose wicked thoughts, words and deeds
Dissensions, envy, lust and wrath create
Are horrid people by whom each country bleeds,
They sow and nurture internecine hate,
Each land bemoans its sad and depressing fate.
Almighty God, such sinful souls destroy
And relieve the world from such a precarious state.
Let all honest and virtuous men their time employ,
In peaceful work and its best fruits enjoy.

He who believes with faith in Mazda's creed
Of peace and prosperity is the source,
He is a wise and far-seeing person indeed
He's always happy in his worldly course
And gains high honour for his moral force.
To Truth and beauty he firmly adheres.
He's free from all sorrow and remorse
His blameless conscience endears him to all
At last his soul in paradise appears.

O God in Thy instructions I do trust,
And on Thy all-knowing wisdom I rely,
Your Truth and Righteousness I shall spread
So that all can comply with your supreme commands
I shall my utmost try to teach Thy faith
It is the best for all and the noblest creed.
It teaches and warns all men how from wickedness to fly
To those who duly heed its wise injunctions
Will in gaining everlasting bliss succeed.

O God, those who will with an open heart
Receive Thy will from me, accept it as a guide,
And in its hold teachng staunchly relieve,
And who will to me his willing aid provide
To spread your word and honour far and wide?
Which of my brothers will his help extend ?
Who will through thick and thin stand by my side
On whose advice can I with trust depend...
And you will protect me - you are my God.

Such is Farshostar, grant him means and power
Jointly with me, he will most boldly fight
Upon him all Thy precious bounties shower,
By Thee protected  ... with Thy matchless might
We will devote ourselves to Truth and what's right.
From our appointed task we will not sway
Your word we'll hold up as a beacon light,
With zeal and true affection Thee we'll serve
And by honest work we will Thy love deserve.

For welfare of the world he is designed,
He bows to all the laws by Mazda made
With his intelligent and active mind,
He will soon be able to persuade
All thoughtful men of every class or grade
To mould their lives in concert with your laws,
To dislike vice, to be strong and good,
And spare no pains to further virtue's cause
To reach his goal - he'll march without a pause.

O God, the truthful and good souls who obey Thee
Are sheltered under Thy guardian wings
Who work and share a thought for religion's sake,
Who keep Thee in mind both night and day,
And for Thy gracious mercy always pray,
On them bestow Thy sweet and choicest blessings,
Let them find Thee and your presence feel,
Crown all their efforts with complete success,
To defeat the schemes of all bad thoughts.

Non-believers may welcome those cruel heartless souls
Who use their strength to harm the weak minded
Who delight in shedding blood like the devil
Who all their lives their own advantage seek,
Who terrorize the good and oppress the meek
Their consciences are bad their minds debased
They're doomed to hell, where they are hurled in disgrace.
And from the book of life their names are razed.

Thy humble worshipper, O Lord, I am 
To truth and righteousness I firmly adhere
To me Thy gracious favours freely gift
Gift to me a spotless mind and vision clear
That through all troubles I may safely steer.
To Thee alone I look for mercy and grace,
And Thou alone my sometimes sad heart will cheer,
Thy glorious face is never turned away from me
In every case I fully trust in Thee.