I have this big book on the schnoom .. the magic part of our religion and while a lot of it is about rituals .. it represents the knowledge that existed then .. there is a lot of scientific data too.Imagine I bought the book at a white elephant stall at a mela for just 10 rupees. That the book came to me because of the value I placed on it .. obviously more than its owner who had let it go. Speaks a lot about how zoroastrians place a value on the knowledge of their own religion. Growing up I was lucky to have attended bhanwana classes right from a young age which kindled my desires and raised my vibrations right from the age when I believed in them without question. The first little prayer book for childrent is called Fravarane which means I BELIEVE. I WONDER NOWADAYS HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE EXPOSED TO SUCH A WAY OF LEARNING ... KNOWLEDGE SO DEEPLY INGRAINED ON THE PSYCHE THAT WHEN DOUBTS AND FEARS ASSAIL THE HUMAN AS IT MUST .. FOR THAT IS SPIRITUAL GROWTH .. YOU ARE FORCED TO GO INWARD AND LINK BACK TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART .. AND THERE ARE NO MORE QUESTIONS. YOU HAVE CONQUERED THE WINDS OF CHANGE THAT CAME FOR YOUR SOUL. Yazdi you must take the time to read an explanation of the ashem vohu prayer which I have on my site here http://zoroastrianism-firstreligion.blogspot.in. You may remember that I had shared with you about 4 years ago on the phone ... that I had authored a book MasterMind. After researching so much data .. I have concluded that my book and the ashem vohu prayer carry the same meaning and I am proud that my mind allowed me to be able to link the 2. Guess that is why only me as a zoroastrian could have written my book. It came to me as a gift when I questioned Ahura Mazda in my mind .. why are zoroastrians not so proud of being zoroastrians ? why are they talking in negative terms of themselves as a dying community ? It is so much easier to believe that we are a growing community ... growth of anything is always in the future .. not the past .. the past is dead and only in the present can be believe in a better tomorrow. Funny how many parsis truly understand the concept of spenta mainyu and ahriman as actually creating a better or a worse future. Every thought analysed so that you know just what to expect from your life. That is not magic but linking to a knowledge that works like magic would. Positive thoughts bring positive results and therefore the thoughts must come first .. words strenghten those thoughts when they are shared with others and more begin to accept and understand this basic philosophy of our religion. Action is the result .. the last in the scheme of things.
If a child tells you a beautiful dream, a wonderful story,in which he / she has many wonderful powers and all things are amazing and if you tell him / her that life is just like that, and can always be like that … you just told him/her about ‘Asha’ – Truth.
When you have aspirations and desires that do not limit your capacity…and enthusiastically wish for a world where all the restrictions are done away with and you put in enough will power and intensity into your aspirations…you have just invoked ‘Asha’. (magic is truth .. for then you invoke mazda (god) into your mind.) See some videos to understand that the world as it was .. little knowledge has changed drastically and people now accept themselves as real gods .. they then own magical powers. Zarathushtra shared this with us .. but alas the parsi community has no9t taught themselves to benefit from the many gifts lying in their own religion. I have even found some parsis critiquing schnoom knowledge ... for when they do not understand anything the only role left for them to play is to be an armchair critique and alas another generation has lost the battle with knowledge.
When, in your dreams there is always goodness without limit, beauty, and a constant and conscious desire for success, a perpetual miracle and magic …. that is ‘Asha’.
Even when your body feels its limitations, but you can still establish that luminous dream in it, of awesome powers, of marvellous possibilities… you have just recited the Ashem Vohu manthra.
When you suddenly feel a strong feeling coming over you that tells you [that even when things might not look so great] there is a magical beauty trying to realise itself , that magic is “Asha”.