You yearn for Ahura Mazda just as I did before knowledge awakened me and Mazda showed me how his light was always within me. That Mazda and you are one and the same ... for light is knowledge and the light is passed on from gen to gen and hand to hand through the true believer who believes in it so much .. she / he becomes a seamless part of it .. for the truth ... the spark of divinity of life is in you already.
Without the spark of divinity of life all knowledge is nothing for who will be the cup ... the holder of knowledge. Zarathushtra created it as knowledge ... but you hold the capacity to be a change .. to tweak knowledge .. for nothing is more sacrosant than life ... if you think it is right and knowledge must grow with time ... then we move ourselves out of space and time and bring in to our todays all that our minds desire and seek through another .. as possible out of the self too.