

O God, I turn to none but Thee for help,
Thou are my sole protector and my guide,
For my obedience you'll always defend me,
To stick to perfect truth I'll always try.....
For I have defied falsehood's evil bait, 
Continue your support to me and mine,
We will rest securely on Thee and in you confide,
And shall faithfully serve to win Thy grace benign.

How should one act to benefit the world,
One should to purity and truth adhere,
One should advance with virtue's flag unfurled
To guide people away from sin and vice,
No paid, no toil, no trouble will he fear,
As fair paradise will be his blessed abode,
Won by conduct clean and conscience clear
O God lead and keep me along that happy road,
I am glad for the high favour on me bestowed.

A person engrossed in plunder and raid,
Does neglect to cultivate his fruitful soil,
Plunder is his trade and blood he stalks,
His occupation is to despoil others,
To spread confusion and turmoil all around,
God will deprive him of his misused land 
And give it to the honest man of toil,
Who will transfer it with skillful hands,
To a grand and blooming garden.

O God I worship Thee with all my heart
With holy fervor Thy praises I shall spread,
Full knowledge of Thy laws to me impart
To help others in doubt ...and succour give.
In none but Thee I shall securely depend,
Throughout the world Thy word I mean to teach,
And upon Thy help I can depend
Grant me full strength of mind and fluent speech,
That people are convinced by what I preach.

O God, only with Thy countenance and aid,
 I can promulgate Thy holy word,
 For Thy almighty help I'll always pray 
Let this prayer of mine be heard with favour. 
Much needed powers be on me conferred 
So that your guidelines I may proclaim to all, 
And by their truth they will be fully stirred.
 And with happy hearts obey Thy call, 
And prey to sins they may never fall. 

Thou has gifted me Thy wisdom's share,
Hence truth alone is uttered by my tongue, 
All will be happy who for Thee declare,
By whom your words are devotedly sung. 
Who never are by a guilty conscience stung,
They'll listen to my teachings with respect, 
The death knell of tempting sin has been wrung, 
On virtue's path all walk boldly erect, 
No chance of serving Thee they'll ever neglect.

I worship The with truth and honest zeal, 
It gives me strength of mind and courage stout,
It makes me free of sad and despondent thoughts,
It removes all doubt and smooths my future path.
Thy benign help continues to the end, 
Drive out all those who try to block my way, 
To guide us always Thy holy message send, 
Protect me ever from any slip or error. 

With heart sincere I chant my holy hymns to Thee,
With hands uplifted I appeal to Thee,
To kindly hear my humble prayers,
Display Thy bright inspiring face to me, 
Thy gracious presence I am glad to see.
With a goodly mind my offerings I bring,
And lay them here for your free acceptance,
Throughout my life I will Thy praises sing, 
To faithfully serve Thee in everything.

O Mazda, with happiness I Thee approach,
Through my prayers I desire to adore Thee,
I try to lead a life without reproach, 
To earn merit with truth and a blameless mind,
And with faith firmly Thy favours I seek 
I worship Thee along with a humble heart..... 
I do not beg at any other door. 
Before Thy throne I lay my needs and wants 
And always thank Thee for all mercies shown. 

At length whatever good I do achieve
By true belief in Thy will supreme, 
Will teach others to use their utmost strength,
To work for Thee and win Thy high esteem,
And thus will redeem the world from vice. 
The whole of creation is a reflection of your power, 
The sun, the moon, the seas, the running streams,
The golden dawn, the stars that nightly glow 
It is Thee alone that makes them come and go.

I shall always have the power and strength in me 
Derived from a purity of mind and your truths 
 I shall with deep devotion worship Thee 
I enjoy the path by Thee defined,
And will follow Thee loyally to the end.
Thou will crown all my efforts with full success
For Thou to me are merciful and kind.
And all other ardent spirits Thou does bless, 
Who will struggle on for truth and righteousness.

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